LIC 311 Calls
One thing I noticed in LIC is there is so much illegal parking. Almost every time I go for a walk there are trucks parked on the sidewalk loading and unloading, cars parked on the sidewalk, or cars blocking driveways.
If it's especially egregious, I will report the situation via 311. Most times I get a response saying that by the time the police got to the scene the person was gone, but I keep thinking that if I persist the situation will get better.
I noticed that 311 publishes their data onto Google BigQuery, so I decided to put together a report to illustrate the problem.
As of this October 2018, there were 2500 reports of illegal parking in the neighborhood! In 1700 of these cases, the parking violation was no longer occurring by the time police arrived or the police took no action. Only about 500 times did the police resolve the situation or issue a summons to the offending party.
On average, there are between 6 and 12 reports of illegal parking each day. Some days it as high as 28. That's a lot of violations! It shows just how bad the issue of illegal parking is in the neighborhood.
The first page of the report shows the number of times illegal parking was reported in the 11101 zip code this year. It then breaks down the complaints by description, location type, street, complaint channel and status. Complaint channel is the way in which the complaint was reported: by phone, online, or the mobile app.Use the page control on the bottom left of the report to navigate to the next page.
The second page shows the most frequently received responses for that complaint type. The third page shows how often that complaint is lodged each day. You can select other complaint types by clicking on the list on the left hand side, or you can change the date range of the report on the top left.
The third page is not particularly revealing, but it shows the frequency of calls and the average trend over time.
After doing this analysis, it was interesting to see that the most reported 311 call in LIC in 2018 is for Blocked Sidewalks. It confirms my assumption that this is a really common problem in the neighborhood. Anecdotally speaking, it feels like every time I walk down the street in LIC I will encounter a sidewalk with a truck or other vehicle parked on it. It's really annoying as a pedestrian to deal with, especially when pushing a stroller or wheelchair around.
I was a little surprised at some of the locations of the illegal parking since I didn't see the streets in my normal walking paths. I enjoyed some of the detail of the other 311 call types too, like the Noise complaints. It appears that around 70% of noise complaints are construction related.
Let me know what you think of the report, and let 311 know if you see any illegal parking obstructing your sidewalk!
If it's especially egregious, I will report the situation via 311. Most times I get a response saying that by the time the police got to the scene the person was gone, but I keep thinking that if I persist the situation will get better.
I noticed that 311 publishes their data onto Google BigQuery, so I decided to put together a report to illustrate the problem.
As of this October 2018, there were 2500 reports of illegal parking in the neighborhood! In 1700 of these cases, the parking violation was no longer occurring by the time police arrived or the police took no action. Only about 500 times did the police resolve the situation or issue a summons to the offending party.
On average, there are between 6 and 12 reports of illegal parking each day. Some days it as high as 28. That's a lot of violations! It shows just how bad the issue of illegal parking is in the neighborhood.
The first page of the report shows the number of times illegal parking was reported in the 11101 zip code this year. It then breaks down the complaints by description, location type, street, complaint channel and status. Complaint channel is the way in which the complaint was reported: by phone, online, or the mobile app.Use the page control on the bottom left of the report to navigate to the next page.
The second page shows the most frequently received responses for that complaint type. The third page shows how often that complaint is lodged each day. You can select other complaint types by clicking on the list on the left hand side, or you can change the date range of the report on the top left.
The third page is not particularly revealing, but it shows the frequency of calls and the average trend over time.
After doing this analysis, it was interesting to see that the most reported 311 call in LIC in 2018 is for Blocked Sidewalks. It confirms my assumption that this is a really common problem in the neighborhood. Anecdotally speaking, it feels like every time I walk down the street in LIC I will encounter a sidewalk with a truck or other vehicle parked on it. It's really annoying as a pedestrian to deal with, especially when pushing a stroller or wheelchair around.
I was a little surprised at some of the locations of the illegal parking since I didn't see the streets in my normal walking paths. I enjoyed some of the detail of the other 311 call types too, like the Noise complaints. It appears that around 70% of noise complaints are construction related.
Let me know what you think of the report, and let 311 know if you see any illegal parking obstructing your sidewalk!
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